The Yanjing Beer Group was established in 1993, but early in 1980 its brewery was founded. During the course of its development, the Yanjing Beer Group adheres to the business idea of “conducting ourselves lovingly, doing our work honestly, and undertaking our business creditably”. The Yanjing Beer Group has taken the road of development by inner expanded and rotating reproduction, with its practical strength raised due to annual technological renovation.
The Yanjing Beer Group promotes self-development through technological progress, establishes a national-level scientific research center, introduces professional talents, and grasps market opportunities by reliance on science and technology. Actively involved in the market, the Yanjing Beer Group takes the lead in setting up a consummate marketing network to meet the demand of market economy.
At present, Yanjing beer covers a market share of more than 11% nationwide, including 50% of the market share in North China and 85% of the market share in Beijing. The Yanjing Beer Group actively completed the stock system reconstruction and pursued the transformation from product operation to both product and capital operation. In 1997, the Yanjing Beer Group was listed (went public) in the stock markets of both the mainland and Hong Kong.
右の建物は、労働者が。燕京ビール(Yanjing Beer)瓶の積み出しを行う倉庫。 北京燕京啤酒股份有限公司(Yanjing Beer Group)は、カナダ、スペインなど欧米でも普及したブランドになっているが、日本では青岛啤酒股份有限公司(Tsingtao Brewery Company Limited)の製造するドイツ風の青島ビール(青岛啤酒)に隠れて、知名度が低い。ただい、中国でも小規模地元生産者(マイクロブルワリー)が地場ビールを製造するようになった。
中国北京にある北京三元食品股份有限公司(Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co., Ltd)牛乳工場入り口にある工場模型。 三元牛乳パックは1本1ドルするので、国内メーカーの牛乳の3倍に達するが、健康増進を求める消費者、子供の発育を考える家族に支持されている。
To lure new customers, companies are now hawking everything from peach-mango milk drinks to aloe-flavored yogurt. Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co., Ltd sells a "Gold Brand" milk that it touts as being from special cows whose milk contains a higher fat and protein content. At nine yuan ($1.08) for a small carton, it is about three times as expensive as most milk. Nestle markets milk drinks beefed up with calcium or iron, while others offer malted milk aimed at kids. Dairy companies are hiring newspaper boys to drop off milk with the daily paper or postmen to bring milk with the mail.
中国北京の「三元」牛乳工場入り口にあるビデオ監視室。 2001年、アメリカのクラフトフーズ社(Kraft Foods)は、北京三元公司に北京クラフトフーズの株式85%を売却し、現地法人化した。これが三元食品(Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co., Ltd)で、アメリカ大企業が、中国北京に直接投資し、工場を設立し、経営を始めた。 Got Milk? The New Craze In China Is Dairy Drinks KATHY CHEN / Wall Street Journal 28feb03に、次のような記事がある。
In 2001, Kraft Foods Inc. sold its 85% stake in Beijing Kraft Foods Co. to Beijing Sanyuan. Executives at Beijing Sanyuan said Beijing Kraft, which produced yogurt and UHT milk, lost money since its establishment in 1993. Arjun Gupta, a vice president for Kraft Foods International in Beijing, declined to comment on the venture's profitability. He says it was sold because the company wanted to concentrate on Nabisco-brand biscuits, Tang and other products. He adds: "Maybe sometime in the future, we'll get into cheese" in China.
Fellow dairy firm Kraft withdrew from Beijing's yogurt market and shifted its investment to some non-dairy products in 2002. Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co paid Kraft Beijing over US$9 million to buy back the 85 per cent stake held by the foreign company. 北京三元食品股份有限公司の株価は、上证:2509.80-0.73%788.94亿元 深成:10591.66-1.01%720.55亿元 期指:2755.60-0.63% 恒指:19677.89-0.83% 道指:11983.20-0.51%
伊利(伊利集団製牛乳) 500ミリ 2.85元 蒙牛純牛乳 250ミリ 2.1元 光明純鮮牛乳 500ミリ 3.5元 雀巣純牛乳(ネスレ)250ミリ 2.3元 sanyuan
巴氏純牛乳(三元食品)500ミリ 3.2元 巴氏純牛乳 長城版(三元食品)500ミリ 5.3元
普通版の脂肪分は3.2に対し、長城版は3.9。 出所)blog 2006年11月04日「北京の主要な牛乳を飲み比べてみた (17) 」 北京三元食品股份有限公司(Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co., Ltd)の女子労働者。 2008年の北京オリンピックを機会に、健康増進、体育重視の傾向が強まり、乳製品、牛乳の評価が高まった。それに乗じて中国全土に牛乳販売が展開されるようになった。三元牛乳も、その一つである。
Phoenix Television was quoted as saying Sanyuan Foods was chosen by Beijing Olympic Committee at the last minute as the sole supplier of milk and dairy products for both the 2008 Summer Olympics and the 2008 Summer Paralympics. The original supplier of dairy products to the 2008 Beijing Olympic was Yili Group, but Yili was dropped when its products failed quality tests. After Sanyuan Foods' products were cleared in the nationwide test for melamine, its share price surged 10 percent, a jump of 52% in 5 days.
北京三元食品股份有限公司(Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co., Ltd)の乳製品工場では、再利用可能なガラス製牛乳瓶は使用せず、使い捨て型ミルクカートン等のパック容器(Liquid packaging board)のみ。 三元牛乳は1本1ドルするので、国内メーカーの牛乳の3倍の価格であるが、高品質ということで、差別化し高所得者、健康志向の消費者に向けて販売されている。
「テトラパック」(Tetra Pak)は、1952年にスウェーデンのテトラパック社(Tetra Pak)が生産を始めた飲料容器で、当初は正四面体の三角錐だった。Tetraは、テトラポットと同じく数字の4である。 北京三元食品股份有限公司(Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co., Ltd)の生産工程。牛乳を容器に詰める。 三元牛乳パックは店頭販売だけでなく、日本の「カルシウムや鉄分などの不足しがちな栄養素の摂取なら明治の宅配」のようなCMで宅配サービスもされる。中国では日本以上に「牛乳」は体に良い,健康に欠かせないと考えられている。日本では,高タンパク,コレステロールが心配され,一見すると牛乳のよなミルク代用飲料(低脂肪乳やカルシウム重視の牛乳もどき)が流行しているのとは対照的である。 中国北京の三元牛乳工場。 Kraft Foods China は、現在、パウダー飲料のa Maxwell、Maxim Coffeeなどを販売している。 クラフトフーズ社は、日本でも森永乳業と合弁し、「クラフト スライスチーズ(8枚入り)」など乳製品を販売している。ただし、2013年、日本クラフトフーズ社は、ガム、キャンディ事業とグローサリー&ライセンシング事業を行いナビスコ
北京三元食品股份有限公司(Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co., Ltd)で牛乳を注ぎ込む機械。衛生的だが、日本では中国食品に対する報道は、低品質、安全性への疑問で埋まっている。総称として、「中国製品」は、粗悪品というイメージが広められているが、アメリカのクラフトフーズ社(Kraft Foods)の資本進出を契機に作られた。本来、食材、生産工程を吟味して個別に議論すべきところ、一部の「粗悪品」が中国食すべてに当てはまるというプロパガンダがなされているようだ。この背景には、中国食品に対するもっともな疑心暗鬼だけでなく、競争をしたら勝てないという恐怖心が見て取れる。 元は、日本にも進出しているアメリカのクラフトフーズ社(Kraft Foods)の合弁企業として設立された食品工場。北京三元食品股份有限公司(Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co., Ltd)の生産最終ラインで,牛乳パックを段ボール箱に詰めて、運搬にまわす。乳牛も別の場所で飼育しているが,乳牛乳牛繁殖用のデンマーク種牛を高額で買い入れた 。
Dairy Association of China figures show that fresh milk consumption has increased rapidly since 1996.
The total output value of China's milk industry was 45.66 billion yuan (US$5.5 billion) in the first 11 months of 2003, according to the association's latest figures. The industry's profits totalled 2.79 billion yuan (US$336.9 million) in 2003, a whopping year-on-year increase of 51.89 per cent.
In comparison, milk production in 1996 was negligible.
The good performance of the "big six" milk firms Mengniu, Yili, Bright Dairy, Sanyuan, Sanlu and Wandashan is clear evidence of the industry's rapid expansion since then.
Between them, the "big six" control over half of China's fresh milk market.
Despite repeated attempts, foreign producers have had little success in gaining a firm foothold in China's growing milk market.
Although the world's top 20 milk brands have entered China since the end of 2002, none of them has made any meaningful headway, says the association.
This situation is similar to that confronting many leading international beer producers, with many top global brewers finding the Chinese market a hard nut to crack. This has forced to them to resort to "Plan B" buying their way into the market by taking an equity interest in domestic market leaders.
And this is what many foreign milk producers are now doing as they try to "re-enter" the China market.
For example, Fonterra Group Ltd, a New Zealand-based dairy company, is in final talks with Shijiazhuang Sanlu Group Co Ltd.
The foreign dairy giant is likely to buy a 39 per cent stake in the Chinese firm.
Fonterra's goal is to develop a local partnership with a strong company that will allow it to take full advantage of its local knowledge and experience in the China market, the company said in a statement.
Though the two firms did not reveal any details of the deal, industry insiders predict co-operation between them will mainly involve fresh milk rather than milk powder.
"Multinational companies are trying to re-enter the rapidly growing Chinese milk market through mergers and acquisitions after having backed away from the market due to poor business," said Chen Yu, an industry expert from the China Dairy Market Consultancy in Beijing.
Take Danone as an example. The large French food processing company has had considerable success in marketing its biscuits and mineral water in China.
But it has failed to impress Chinese consumers with its dairy products. Blaming high prices for its poor sales, the company withdrew its line of dairy products from the Chinese market after a decade of efforts and sold its facilities to domestic enterprises.
It was not the only one to have retreated from the Chinese market.
The Italian food processing firm Parmalat transferred control of its joint venture in Nanjing to its local partner before filing for bankruptcy last December.
It also leased its outlet in Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province for five years to Yili Group, China's leading dairy producer.
Fellow dairy firm Kraft withdrew from Beijing's yogurt market and shifted its investment to some non-dairy products in 2002. Beijing Sanyuan Foods Co paid Kraft Beijing over US$9 million to buy back the 85 per cent stake held by the foreign company.
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