The Seaforth Detachment of the Scots Guards was also present in Shanghai. The US Marines would sometimes engage in "Kilt Hunting." This involved finding a thirsty Scotsman, drinking him under the table, and absconding with his kilt. This was not considered an easy task.
the Home Page of Pat and Chuck:My father served in the United States Marine Corps for about forty years, enlisting as a private and retiring as a colonel. These 10 linked pages cover the period from 1933 to 1938, when he served aboard the flagship of the Asiatic-Pacific Fleet, the USS Augusta (CA-31).引用。
British Occupation Of India In Color - Full Documentary (2013/11/23 公開)
〒259-1292 神奈川県平塚市北金目4-1-1 東海大学教養学部人間環境学科社会環境課程 鳥飼 行博 TORIKAI Yukihiro HK,Toka University,4-1-1 Kitakaname,Hiratuka Kanagawa,Japan259-1292 東海大への行き方|How to go
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