What is the tragedy of the commons? - Nicholas Amendolare (2017/11/21 公開)
Is it possible that overfishing, super germs, and global warming are all caused by the same thing? In 1968, a man named Garrett Hardin sat down to write an essay about overpopulation. Within it, he discovered a pattern of human behavior that explains some of history’s biggest problems. Nicholas Amendolare describes the tragedy of the commons.
Lesson by Nicholas Amendolare, directed by TED-Ed.
Tragedy of the Commons │ The Problem with Open Access(2015/06/09 公開)
The semantics of the model I'm working from use common goods/common property/ common pool resources (resources used by multiple people) and common property regimes (the institutions or social arrangements between people, the property rights regarding common pool resources).
We were taught that "the commons" is sort of an old term. It has issues because it blankets both common pool resources with no communication, no rules, no accountability, no punishment for those who break the rules, etc. (open access) and common pool resources with some cooperation or institution in place (common property regimes).
When you get away from those aspects that allow people to trust one another and work together, the system looks like an open access system. The tragedy of the commons model describes what happens in that open access system. But not what happens when a common property regime is in place. But the term "commons" doesn't distinguish between the two.
鳥飼行博(2018)「バイオマスエネルギーの人間開発論 : フィリピンを事例としたローカルコモンズの意義」Biomass Energy in Human Economies『東海大学紀要. 教養学部』Journal of the School of Humanities and Culture, Tokai University
第 48輯, pp.171-231, 2018-03-30( [本文を見る]でダウンロード)
鳥飼行博(2018)「バイオマスエネルギーの人間開発論 : フィリピンを事例としたローカルコモンズの意義」Biomass Energy in Human Economies『東海大学紀要. 教養学部』Journal of the School of Humanities and Culture, Tokai University第 48輯, pp.171-231, 2018-03-30( [本文を見る]でダウンロード)
右段、中国「貴州省の持続可能な農業 Sustainable Agriculture」
右段、中国「ローカルコモンズの牧畜 Local Commons in Yunnnan」
中段、タイのコモンズ:牛・水牛の牧畜 Commons & Pastoralism
〒259-1292 神奈川県平塚市北金目4-1-1 東海大学教養学部人間環境学科社会環境課程 鳥飼 行博 TORIKAI Yukihiro HK,Toka University,4-1-1 Kitakaname,Hiratuka Kanagawa,Japan259-1292 東海大への行き方|How to go
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