ヘレンケラーの誕生 |

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ヘレンケラーの生家Ivy Green, Tuscumbia, Alabama. |
ヘレンの母 Kate Adams Keller,1900年 |
Anne Sullivan アン・サリヴァン(1887年)
解説 |
父コーネルアーサーケラーColonel Arthur Kellerは地方紙The North Alabamian編集者。母はケイト・アダムズ・ケラーKate Adams Keller。ヘレンケラーは、米国アラバマ州Tuscumbia
で1880年6月27日誕生。1882年2月(生後19ヶ月)に重病により聴覚と視力を失った。 ヘレンは規範も習うことも嫌いで「野生児"wild child"」と呼ばれた。 ヘレンケラー高校の教育リンク集;LEARNING RESOURCES AND TECHNOLOGY ON-LINE DATABASES. | | |
ARTHUR HENLEY KELLER, was born February 5, 1836, near Tuscumbia, and is a son of David and Mary Fairfax (Moore) Keller.
Captain Keller and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church, and he is a member of the Knights of Honor and the A. O. U. W. The Captain has never solicited political preferment, but represented his party as a delegate to the St. Louis Convention in 1876, and also as a delegate at large to the Cincinnati Convention in 1880. 祖先はスイス出身。
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1886年, ヘレンの母ケイト・アダムズ・ケラーは、ボストンの盲学校Perkins School for the Blindについて電話発明者でもあるグラハム・ベルAlexander Graham Bellから聞いた。ヘレンは、ベルのところにもう一人の盲目で聾唖の少女Laura Bridgmanとともにおかれた。母ケイトはPerkins Schoolの校長に、ヘレンによい教師を充ててくれるように手紙を書いた。
ヘレンの母から手紙をもらったパーキンス盲学校の校長は、ヘレンの先生として優等生(star student)のアン・サリヴァン(Anne Sullivan)を派遣した。サリヴァンもトラコーマで視覚障害者でであった。ベルの仲介もあって、こうして49年間もヘレンから「先生」と呼ばれる20歳のアンが派遣されたのである。Her hair is pulled back from her face with a braided coil at the nape of her neck. Circa 1881 |
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1880年代 |

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1880年代 | |
1887年Photograph by Deane, 1877(87
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Anne was making Helen behave. She wouldn't let her eat off anyone's plate. Helen didn't want to behave and she threw a fit.Anne would take Helen's hand and spell into it. She was trying to show Helen how to talk. Helen didn't understand. Then one day Anne held Helen's hand under water and spelled W A T E R. Helen understood. By David Head
4th Grade
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The deaf and the blind find it very difficult to acquire the amenities of conversation. How much more this difficulty must be augmented in the case of those who are both deaf and blind! They cannot distinguish the tone of the voice or, without assistance, go up and down the gamut of tones that give significance to words; nor can they watch the expression of the speaker's face, and a look is often the very soul of what one says.
サリヴァン女史はへレンに単語,文字を教えようと努力した。1ヶ月たって,ヘレンは物に名称があることを理解した。サリヴァンは,井戸に行き水を触らせ," W-A-T-E-R"と手に書いた。ヘレンは顔を上げた。文字かあることを知った。この日に30語を覚えてしまった。⇔障害者の娘に個人教師の派遣を依頼できるだけの資産のあったケラー家は恵まれていた。日本における聾唖者、盲人の特殊教育の歴史と比較すれば(たぶん米国の特殊教育と比較しても),恵まれていたといえる。 |
ヘレンケラーの子供時代 |
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Childhood 1887 |
Anne Sullivan, reclining on a divan |
Miss Keller 1893. |
A portrait of Anne Sullivan,1881 |
解説 | |
目が見えなくとも文字を書くことを習った。 Quickly, she learned words and then sentences. Soon she was able to communicate by signing the manual alphabet. But Helen wasn't satisfied with signing alone. She wanted to learn to write. In addition to learning to write in braille, Helen placed a ruler on the page as a guide and drew very square block letters.
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サリヴァン女史がヘレンに文字を教えた。Anne Sullivan は1866年生れ。Perkins Institutionに1880年に入学。トラコーマのために視力が低いが、文字を習った。ヘレンの元に1887年に派遣された。
AFB写真:Anne Sullivan, reclining on a divan, uses the manual alphabet with Helen Keller, perched on a stool at her feet. Circa 1893. |
裕福なヘケラー家は、たくさんのヘレンの肖像写真を撮っている。 Portrait of Miss Keller with her hair parted in the center and her eyes cast downward, circa 1893. |
A portrait of Anne Sullivan in semi-profile, wearing a black dress with a white collar and a white bow at the neck. Her hair is pulled back from her face with a braided coil at the nape of her neck. Circa 1881 |
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ヘレンケラーの教育 |
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Helen's early writing
ヘレンの先生アン・サリヴァン Anne Sullivan, 1887年
Wright-Humason School class picture, 1895年 ヘレンとアンが前列左に着席 |
解説 | |
すぐにヘレンは文字と文とを覚えたので、手話で会話できるようになった。しかし、ヘレンはそれだけは満足せず,文章を書きたいと思った。ライティングと並行して, ヘレンは四角いブロック体の文字を並べて書くことを始めた。
 日本の日光金谷ホテルの宿帳のサイン(1937年) |
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Anne Sullivan was born on April 14, 1866, in Agawam, Massachusetts. Her family had very little money and could not take care of her. When she was 10 years old she was sent to live in a home for poor people. Anne also had very poor vision. At the age of 14, she was sent to the Perkins School for the Blind to receive training to be a teacher for children who were blind.
When Helen was 13, Helen and Anne moved to New York City. There Helen attended the Wright-Humason school for the deaf. She was the only student who was deaf and blind. In class, Anne read everything and signed what she read into Helen's hand. Helen devoured information and became able to communicate with other adults and children. She was even learning how to speak.
1890年代 |
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ヘレン(1896年) |
1893年 |
ナイアガラ滝のヘレン とアン(1893年) |
ヘレンとアン(1894年) |
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象牙の黒いヘアバンドと指輪をしたヘレン。Portrait of Miss Keller holding a book. She is wearing a black ivory headband and a ring on her right ring finger, circa 1896. Helen Keller was born in a small town called Tuscumbia, Alabama, on an estate called Ivy Green. |
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Anne had taught Helen many things outside of the classroom. She taught her to touch, smell, and experience nature. She wanted Helen to be curious, ask questions, and to discover the world around her. And Helen loved to smell and touch flowers, to feel the wind on her face...she was curious about everything!
ナイアガラの滝のヘレンケラーPhotograph of Miss Keller, Anne Sullivan, Edmund Lyon, and Polly Prate in front of Niagara Falls, circa 1893. 1893年のヘレンの詩「秋」 Autumn
Oh, what a glory doth the world put on
These peerless, perfect autumn days
There is a beautiful spirit of gladness everywhere....
Autumn was written by Helen Keller at the age of thirteen, in 1893, for her friend and mentor, Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone and a teacher of the deaf. |
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"Read my poem. Do you see autumn as I do? I wrote this poem when I was thirteen for my friend, Mr. A. G. Bell. Who am I? What colors do I see?"
Helen Keller,1893
Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers |
ヘレンの肖像 |
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1900年アンとチェスをするヘレン Helen and Anne playing chess, 1900
Miss Keller, circa 1903 |
1904年の肖像 |
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Anne Sullivan (Helen always called her "Teacher") was very dedicated to Helen. And Helen loved to learn about everything. She studied French, German, and Latin. She learned to play chess and to horseback ride. Since many books were not available in braille at that time, Anne would sign what she read into Helen's hand. |
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大学卒業2年前の1902年に, ヘレンは初の著書「わが人生の物語The Story of My Life」を出版した。編集者メイシーJohn MacyはHarvard Universityのインストラクターで,ヘレンはこの本をAlexander Graham Bellに捧げている。これはベルが彼女の教育を大いに助けたためである。この本にはたくさんの好意的な書評があるが,マーク・トウェインMark Twainも書評を寄せた一人である。 (In a letter to Helen, Twain also referred to the plagiarism scandal that took place 12 years before.) 初版にもかかわらず,50ヶ国語に翻訳された。
Portrait of Miss Keller with her head tilted downward, holding a rose in her right hand, circa 1903.
Miss Keller photographed from the back with her face turned sideways, circa 1904.
少女時代1900年初頭 |
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1899年 |
Helen touching the branch of a tree
Helen's certificate of admission to Radcliffe College, 1899
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1901,Aug.29の付けの ベルとケラーの写真
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Anne had taught Helen many things outside of the classroom. She taught her to touch, smell, and experience nature. She wanted Helen to be curious, ask questions, and to discover the world around her. And Helen loved to smell and touch flowers, to feel the wind on her face...she was curious about everything!
Anne Sullivan (Helen always called her "Teacher") was very dedicated to Helen. And Helen loved to learn about everything. She studied French, German, and Latin. She learned to play chess and to horseback ride. Since many books were not available in braille at that time, Anne would sign what she read into Helen's hand. |
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1901年以降、電話発明者グラハム・ベルと一緒の写真が何枚も残っている。Bell was, above all, a teacher of the deaf, and it was this very subject and the professional expertise he developed on the nature of sound that enabled him to invent the telephone. His friendship with the deaf and blind Helen Keller, a frequent guest with the Bell family, spilled over into science. Bell described what Annie Sullivan had done in teaching the young Helen to communicate by means of finger spelling as "not a miracle but a brilliantly successful experiment." Here Bell is "talking" to Helen Keller surrounded by family and friends. Gilbert H. Grosvenor Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress. |
1903年 |
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1903年 |
1903年 |
1903年 | |
1903年頃 | |
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Anne Sullivan (Helen always called her "Teacher") was very dedicated to Helen. And Helen loved to learn about everything. She studied French, German, and Latin. She learned to play chess and to horseback ride. Since many books were not available in braille at that time, Anne would sign what she read into Helen's hand. ![]() |
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大学卒業2年前の1902年に, ヘレンケラーは初の著書「わが人生の物語The Story of My Life」を出版した。編集者メイシーJohn MacyはHarvard Universityのインストラクターで,ヘレンケラーはこの本をAlexander Graham Bellに捧げている。ケラーの出版を助けたメイシーは、後にケラーの先生であるサリヴァンと結婚する。これはベルが彼女の教育を大いに助けたためである。この本にはたくさんの好意的な書評があるが,マーク・トウェインMark Twainも書評を寄せた一人である。 (In a letter to Helen, Twain also referred to the plagiarism scandal that took place 12 years before.) 初版にもかかわらず,50ヶ国語に翻訳された。 AFB Photo ID: HK10013;Photograph of Miss Keller standing with her foot on the first step of a staircase, circa 1903.
AFB Photo ID: HK10014;
Photograph of Miss Keller standing on a staircase, circa 1903. |
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1904年 |
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1904年左手で点字本を読むヘレン | |
Helen with her Boston Terrier, reading a braille book, 1904
1904年アンとヘレン |
1905年ヘレン | |
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Photo ID: HK40016:Helen Keller seated in a chair in front of a window, while reading a braille book on her lap with her left hand. Ms. Keller is wearing a long, white dress. Circa 1904. |
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Helen was amazing! Her actions led the way for so many women, as well as people with disabilities. In 1904, she was the first deaf-blind person to receive a college degree. She graduated from Radcliffe College cum laude, which means with very high honors. AFBPhoto ID: HK10105;Portrait of Miss Keller with a Boston Terrier. She is crouching and reading a braille book, circa 1904.
A portrait of Helen Keller sitting on a stone wall with Anne Sullivan standing next to her, looking off into the distance. Their hands are clasped over an open braille book that rests by Ms. Keller's side. There are trees and a field in the background. Circa 1904. |
大学教育を終えて |
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1904年6月28日ハーバード大学 ラドクリフ校卒業式 |
1904年6月28日大学卒業 |
1905年 |
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は、マサチューセッツにハーバード女子部として1879年に設立された名門。名称は Lady Ann (Radcliffe) Mowlson(1643年にハーバーとに初めて奨学金を設けた)に由来する。1927年に女子の大学教育を進めるために設立されたThe Seven Sisters schoolsのひとつ。1904年の卒業式では伝統的なガウンを着た。Miss Keller wearing her academic attire upon her graduation from Radcliffe College.ヘレンは多数の女性のために,そして障害者people with disabilitiesのために道を開いた。1904年に聾唖盲人deaf-blind person として初の大卒資格を取得した。 へレンは大学卒業後,1909年に社会党に加盟した。これは,彼女が、障害を身体的なものだけでなく、社会的制約として認識したことが背景にある。劣悪な労働条件、ジェンダー不平等、民族差別なども社会的障害として克服すべき対象となる。女性参政権獲得運動にも参加した。 |
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Radcliffeでの勉学は,障害のあるHelenとAnneにとって困難であったが,アンがヘレンをよく導いた。この時から自伝『わが人生の物語』(1903年出版)が書き始められた。彼女は点字と普通のタイプライターで書いている。この著作の編集を助けることになるJohn Albert Macyにも二人は会うことになる。It was at this time that Helen and Anne met with who was to help edit Helen's first book "The Story of My Life" which was published in 1903 and although it sold poorly at first it has since become a classic.
On June 28, 1904 Helen graduated from Radcliffe College, becoming the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.
John Macy became good friends with Helen and Anne, and in May 1905 John and Anne were married. Anne's name changed to Anne Sullivan Macy. The three lived together in Wrentham, Massachusetts, and during this time Helen wrote "The World I Live In", revealing for the first time her thoughts on her world. It was also during this time that John Macy introduced her to a new and revolutionary way of viewing the world. In 1909 Helen became a member of the Socialist Party of Massachusetts.
アン・サリヴァンはヘレンケラー卒業の翌年,1905年に39歳でメイシーJohn Macyと結婚した。彼は,独身時代に,ケラーの出版を手助けしたこともあり,そのとき以来,サリヴァンを知っていたはずだ。メイシーは,男女平等主義で,女性参政権獲得運動Women's Suffrage
にも加わるなど政治活動にも熱心であった。In 1909, Helen joined the suffragist movement. Suffragists
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| The Library of Congress. Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-78987.
1905年(?) |
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1905/1920年Haleとヘレン |
1905年犬とヘレン |
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AFBでは,Portrait of Miss Keller, Anne Sullivan, and Edward Everett Hale, circa 1905 となっており,撮影時期を1905年としているが,別の出所では1920年としているものがある。 |
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1912/14年 急進主義者 |
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1912年 |
1912年 |
1914年のヘレン |
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AFB Photo ID: HK10009 赤(社会主義者)のケラー:Red Keller ケラーは社会改革を志し,革命ろ目指した。1909年に米国社会党に加わり,無政府主義団体の「世界産業労働者」にも入った。第一次大戦に米国が参戦するのに反対し,米国が中立に戻るように呼びかけた。婦人参政権運動には批判的であり,「自由を勝ち取るのは労働者しかない。政治的行動からは良い成果は生まれない」と主張していた。しかし,1909年には婦人参政権運動に参加するようになった。
Keller was not simply a high-minded reformer – she was also a revolutionary. She joined the Socialist Party of the USA in 1909 and the anarcho-syndicalist union Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in 1912. Keller opposed US entry into the First World War and toured the country calling for American neutrality. She was critical of the Suffragettes ('What good can votes do when ten-elevenths of the land of Great Britain belongs to 200,000?') and dismissed the prospect of reform: 'It is the workers themselves who must secure freedom for themselves. Nothing can be gained by political action.'In 1909, Helen joined the suffragist movement.
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1910年代には女性参政権運動Suffrageも盛んになった。それと並んで社会主義の思想も広まった。AFB Photo ID: HK10010
Portrait of Miss Keller in front of a door. Next to the door is a window with iron bars, and light is streaming in from behind, circa 1912.
 女性参政権要求デモ:New York City, May 6,1912 そして,下の写真のように1917年にはワシントンDCでピケを張るまでになった。
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| Portrait of Miss Keller sitting on a park bench wearing a dark satin and chiffon gown, circa 1914.
1910年Hitzとヘレン ...My studies are more interesting than ever. In Latin, I am reading Horace's odes. Although I find them difficult to translate, yet I think they are the loveliest pieces of Latin poetry I have read or shall ever read. In French we have finished "Colomba," and I am reading "Horace" by Corneille and La Fontaine's fables, both of which are in braille.→ヘレンからヒッツへの手紙(1900年) |
1910年代前半 |
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1910年頃アン・サリヴァン,夫のジョンメイシーMacy |
Helen, Anne, and Anne's husband, John Macy at their home in Wrenthamcirca 1914 |
アン・サリヴァンの夫ジョン・メイシー | |
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| アン・サリヴァンは1905年39歳で10歳年下のメイシーと結婚しミセス・メイシーと呼ばれるようになったた。アン・サリヴァンの夫ジョン・メイシーJohn Macyと手で会話するヘレン。彼女は男女平等主義で,女性参政権獲得運動Women's Suffrage
にも加わった。彼らは政治活動にも熱心であった。1909年にヘレンは,女性参政権獲得運動the suffragist movementに参加する。 Suffragists
とは,男女平等を求める人々で,1920年には女性投票権の獲得にもつながった。1920年にヘレンケラーは,社会主義者にもなった。 In the same year, she also became a socialist. Helen believed that society should be based on people's needs, not on their power or money. ヘレンはその政治的見解ゆえに、非難されることになる。 |
ABF Photo ID: HK960098;John Macy :1877年デトロイトDetroit生まれ。1899年Harvard卒業; did editorial service on the Youth’s Companion and the Boston Herald; and nowadays lives pensively in Greenwich Village, writing a good deal for The Freeman and The Literary Review. (→BIO) へレンが社会党に加盟していた1910年代は、大企業を背景にした財団から疎まれたらしい。AFB(米国盲人財団)も急進的な言動を公にされては、「哀れな障害者」への寄付が減少する危惧したためであろう。ヘレンは、障害とは身体的なものだけでなく、社会的な制約としても捉えていた。劣悪な労働条件、ジェンダー不平等、民族差別なども社会的障害として克服すべき対象となる。女性参政権獲得運動にも参加した。 |
1910年代後半 |
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1910年代後半 |
1918年のアン・サリヴァンとヘレン・ケラー |
1919年Jascha Heifez | |
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| Photo ID: HK20205
Anne Sullivan finger spells into Ms. Keller's right hand as they sit together on the porch of a house with white columns. Both women wear ornate white blouses with black ribbons at the neck. Circa 1918.
1919年 Charlie Chaplin |
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1918年ハリウッドでチャップリンに会う Polly Thomson, Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller, and Charlie Chaplin |
1919年俳優チャップリンとケラー |
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第一次大戦後 |
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ヘレンケラーと第一大戦の負傷兵 1919年
1919年のヘレン | |
ドレッシィングルームのヘレン 1920年
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| Helen was continually drawn to the cause of the underdog. As a pacifist, she protested against the First World War and was one of the early members of the American Civil Liberties Union. In the early 1930s, as America was dealing with the Depression, Helen got on the radio in New York to discuss the needs and rights of the unemployed and the poor.
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A formal portrait of Miss Keller sitting on a couch and holding a book upright. The couch is in front of a bookcase, circa 1919.
Helen's acting career continued on the vaudeville stage. She went on tour with Anne, giving lectures and performing in shows that featured drama, comedy, and music. Helen enjoyed the glamorous lifestyle, unlike Anne. Eventually the performances became too tiring for Anne and they stopped their tour in 1922. |
1920年前後 |
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1918年ヘレンと母ケイト・ケラー(右) |
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軍服を着たPhillips Brooksとヘレンの母Kate Keller,へレンが握手をしている。 AFB Photo ID: HK30276;A still from the motion picture "Deliverance" showing Helen Keller, her mother, Kate Keller, and her brother, Phillips Brooks Keller, with their hands affectionately joined. They are standing outside, with trees and a bush in the background. Phillps Brooks is dressed in a military uniform. Circa 1918.
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1924年 |
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1920年アン・サリヴァンとヘレン・ケラー | |
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ヘレン |
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AFB:Photo ID: HK20058,Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan seated on a living room couch, using the manual alphabet. Anne wears a dark dress with lace sleeves while Helen wears a dress with a floral pattern. On the wall behind them are a window, a picture and a ceramic plate. Circa 1920.
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バイオリンの絃の振動を指で触って奏でられた音を聞くヘレン・ケラー。 |
1924年Muray, Nickolas撮影(1) |
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Helen Keller |
Helen Keller | |
Helen Keller | |
Helen Keller |
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1924年Muray, Nickolas撮影(2) |
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Helen Keller |
ヘレン、ミセス・メイシー(アン・サリヴァン)、ポリー・トムソンのトリオ | |
Helen Keller & Unid |
ヘレンケラーとミセス・メイシー(アン・サリヴァン) |
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解説全文:Muray, Nickolas
American (b. Hungary, 1892-1965)
TITLE ON OBJECT: Helen Keller & Unid
ca. 1922-1961
negative, gelatin on nitrocellulose sheet film
10x8 in
Gift of the Muray family
NOTES: Catalogued 1/87, KR & JB. GEH has no vintage print from this negative.
SUBJECT: personage, educator / Keller, Helen
展示の本を読むヘレンケラーと見守るミセス・メイシー |
1924年Muray, Nickolas撮影(3) | |
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犬とヘレンケラー |
犬とヘレン | |
犬とヘレン |
犬とヘレン |
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1926年クーリッジ大統領との写真 |
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クーリッジ大統領とケラー |
クーリッジ大統領とケラー | |
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1926年Helen Keller with Calvin Coolidge。第30代大統領(1872年7月4日生れ,1933年1月5日没)(任期1923年-1929年)1924年に大統領として初めてラジオスピーチをした。市場への介入を避けて,景気循環に任せた自由主義者。減税はしなかったが、財政赤字を削減した。任期中は好景気で"Roaring Twenties"と呼ばれた。
→検索クーリッジ財団/人物名鑑wikipedia Miss Keller is wearing a fur trimmed coat. |
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1920年代のカラー写真 |
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Portrait of Helen Keller
March 23, 1926
color plate, screen (Autochrome) process
1926年3月26日Charles Zoller撮影(George Eastman House)
1929年Children in costumes with flags Charles Zoller撮影(George Eastman House)
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color plate, screen (Autochrome) process
3 1/4 x 4 in.
Gift of Mr. & Mrs. Lucius A. Dickerson
Photography Collections Online:
:A steadily growing digital image sampler and browsing resource for the vast photography holdings of George Eastman House.
color plate, screen (Autochrome) process
3 1/4 x 4 in.
Gift of Mr. & Mrs. Lucius A. Dickerson
Photography Collections Online:
:A steadily growing digital image sampler and browsing resource for the vast photography holdings of George Eastman House.
Copyright © 2002 George Eastman House, Rochester, NY
The contents of this site, including all images and text, are for personal, educational, non-commercial use only.
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1920年代後半 |
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ラジオに手を翳し聞くヘレンケラー(1927年) |
1929年(The New York Times) |
解説 |
AFBPhoto ID: HK10089;Portrait of Miss Keller on board a ship near Orkney Islands with gulls circling overhead, circa 1932. The radical connection
At Radcliffe, she met John Macy, a young lecturer and journalist. Macy assisted Keller and became a close friend to her and Sullivan. In 1905, after Keller graduated, Macy married Sullivan; the three lived together until the marriage broke up in 1913. The couple never divorced; Annie lived with Keller until her death in 1936. For her part, Keller had an affair with a radical journalist, Peter Fagan, in 1916; plans to marry were thwarted by the opposition of Sullivan and Keller's family.
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Macy, a socialist, introduced Keller to radical books by authors such as Henry David Thoreau, William James, HG Wells and Karl Marx. Following her success in the Ladies' Home Journal, Keller became a campaigning journalist. She wrote about childhood blindness and its associations with poverty and venereal disease – a taboo subject. She spoke in favour of contraception; Margaret Sanger, founder of the Planned Parenthood movement, was a personal friend. Keller was a founder member of the American Civil Liberties Union in 1920; in 1916 she sent a donation to the recently founded National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, a bold act for a white Southern lady. She also studied Swedenborg and joined the Swedenborgian New Church AFB写真 Photo ID: HK10057;Photograph of Miss Keller with a dog named Sieglinde. They are outside and Miss Keller is touching an evergreen tree, circa 1935.
Helen Keller seated next to a radio, with her left hand on its speaker. A bookcase and a vase of flowers are in the background, and a rug made from the skin of an animal is in the foreground, at her feet. Circa 1927.
After 1913, Keller and Sullivan devoted themselves to journalism and public speaking. They made a – disastrous – film in 1918, and spent four years in vaudeville, presenting a potted version of Keller's story and taking questions from the audience: 'Who are the three greatest men of our time?' 'Lenin, Edison and Charlie Chaplin.'
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⇒ヘレンの1937年の日本訪問以降、後半生は「ヘレンケラーの後半生」Miss Keller Biography 1937-1968; visiting Japanをご覧ください。
「社会事業法の制定」大阪朝日新聞 1937.4.22(昭和12)
( 神戸大学附属図書館引用)
本館には,2005年2月8日以来 名の訪問者があります。写真,データの引用には,URLや出所を明記してください。
2007年9月22日土曜日13時-16時に,「ヘレンケラー女史に再び学ぶ」と題して,講演会(神奈川新聞後援・高齢パワー活用の会主催)を行いました。場所は,横浜市青葉区民活動支援センター(東急田園都市線田奈駅構内)会議室でした。たくさんの高齢者、障害者の方にご参加いただけましたことは、望外の喜びです。 ◆ヘレンケラーにまつわる資料,写真など情報をご提供いただけますお方のご協力をいただきたく,お願い申し上げます。
〒259-1292 神奈川県平塚市北金目4-1-1 東海大学教養学部人間環境学科社会環境課程 鳥飼 行博 TORIKAI Yukihiro HK,Toka University,4-1-1 Kitakaname,Hiratuka Kanagawa,Japan259-1292 東海大への行き方|How to go
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